Your Opportunity To Sell Internet Advertising
Across The Continental
USA, Hawaii And Alaska!
Full Time - Part Time - Residual Income!
Sell From Home - Sell As You Travel
Online Targeted Advertising

We can add a promotional website to meet your market.
We do require a deposit to assure us that you are serious about selling our ad space thereon. When you and/or your organization personally sell an amount of advertising space on the promotional website we have added on your request, then we will refund the amount of the deposit to you.
Market Area
Deposit Required
Village - up to 2,500
A home page, and a links page
Town - 3,500 to 10,000
A home page, and a links page,
plus a things to do page
City - 10,000 to 50,000
A home page, links page,
plus a things to do page,
plus photos page(s)
Large City - 50,000+
A home page, links page,
plus a things to do page,
plus photos page(s)
Metromopolitan Area
A home page, links page,
plus a things to do page,
plus photos page(s)
Vacation Area
A home page, links page,
plus a things to do page,
plus photos page(s)
All promotional websites will have page specific meta tags,
and be cross-promoted from many of our other websites.
Whenever a new promotional website is added, all repesentatives will be notified and may sell thereon.

Why do we charge a deposit to set-up a promotional website?
We want to make sure your out their selling!
We don't want to be building websites just for the heck of it.

When you sell as much as the deposit, we will give you back your deposit
and you still get all your commissions. We don't want to keep your deposit,
we want you to get out there and SELL!

Copyright 2021 Internet Marketing Services